This module is a part of CRM & ERP Software.
Quotation Software has become one of the most important tool to any B2B business in today's playing field. Do you still remember how we used to use our good old Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel to create that quotation? Burning hours of precious time to adjust it to the correct font size, shift columns so that the figures will fit. Copy and paste from previous quotations so that we make sure that we are consistent in the way we word our product description. Check back to our previous hard copy quotation to remember the previous price we quoted to the same client.
While at the end of the day, you get a great sense of accomplishment from creating those documents; Time can be better invested in many other areas. Why labour yourself unnecessarily? Leave these boring, energy sapping tasks to our software tool. It will be complete 5 times faster compared to manual entries and it is far more accurate. Use the extra time to go meet another client!
Crafting a Quotation should be easy like ABC.
This Module Is Part Of CRM & ERP Package!
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Features and Functions
Simple Quotation
A Client Management Tool would not be complete without the ability to craft and issue a quotation.
With powerful tool like ours in your hands, you will be sending out quotations like dealing out cards. Even the inexperienced can do it quickly. Its that easy!
The Quotation format is already done for you. With all the necessary and relevant fields that each professional quotation would need. Change the colour theme to fit your company image if you would like. Choose a different template if you would.
Quotation Template
With advancing technology, user friendliness, intuitive user interface design. A client would expect nothing less. Our Quotation Module comes with several Templates for you to choose from. These number of templates will increase over time to allow you to choose to your hearts content.
Why make your documents look good when they can look great?
Quotation Item Categorizing
If you are in the B2B environment and especially if your deals are relatively huge; You may realise that you have to issue long comprehensive quotations. Such quotations can get confusing if they are all lumped into 1 massive block of text.
Use our Quotation Categorizing Module to sort your line items into a pleasant looking piece of professional document. Each category can be configured to come with their own sub-total and page break.
Quotation Terms
Every company has their own terms of doing business. Write your own terms for your quotations and have our templates generate it professionally for you.
Online Quote & Acceptance
While many in Singapore prefers to do business face to face. a good portion has moved on to 100% online.
If you belong to the early adopters, our Quotation Module allows your client to accept quotations online with an digital signature! Once they trigger that, our system will automatically convert your quotation to a Confirmed Sales Order!
Send Quote By Email
This marries the best of both worlds. Some would like a good mix of online plus face to face engagement.
This feature allows you to send your quotations to your client via a standard template email. While I encourage you to use it out of the box because they are already professional in its own way; You may otherwise customise it to the way you want if you are willing to explore a little bit of the technical world.
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Manage Complex Price list
Lets be honest. Business are getting more competitive as the days passes by and technology improves. In the past where 1 price wins all wars, business can be simple. Today, we got to do better than that.
With our software, you get to manage your clients in groups. Each group to be assigned a different pricing. It could be a membership program, or it could be just loyal long term clients. You get to decide how you would like to reward those loyal to you.
We have a comprehensive Price-List Module that allows you to create very complex prices based on complex calculations. Use it to your advantage this price sensitive market!
Product Management
Product Management doesn't have to be difficult and messy. Our system allows you to create product easily. It can be as fast as 10 secs per product.
However, if you have the luxury of time, I would encourage you to put in as much information as you could so that each item you have are represented with meaningful details.
Also, each product you create can be deactivated when needed, so that you do not clutter up your work space yet be able to find all of them during an audit!
Template Item List
You have a best selling product package with the same items all the time? No problem! Use our Template Item List Module! It allows you to preset and save a list of products and services in advance.
When you need to issue such a quotation again, just load up your Quotation Module, Select a Client, and Select the Item List that you have pre-saved! Its done! You have a draft quotation ready to be sent out via our various means of delivery.
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Some Of Our Clients
These are some of our clients, ranging from micro SMEs to MNCs. We hope you may recognize some of them.